Sunday, June 19, 2011


Androids and Robots

Thanks to scientific innovation, various task oriented bots have been introduced to society. While there is not an Android or Robot in every household, or even most households, everyone knows they exist and it would not be unusual or raise many eyebrows to see them around.

They cannot reproduce except to create a new robot or android themselves.

They require mechanical maintenance; whether this is regular tuning or repairing damage.

Androids - These appear and act human for all intents and purposes. The very rich and famous tend to have these Androids. Some celebrities view them as life size Barbie dolls that they can dress and drag around. Androids vary in their social complexity; some may be nearly sentient and independent - as human as possible without actually being human. Others may require constant instruction in how to act and what to do.

(Author note: You can either use any old sim for this or use a simbot and alter their appearance in CAS using MasterController)

Robots - For those that can't afford or don't desire a human looking Android, there are also more mechanical looking robots made by several different companies. Like Androids, their social skills vary greatly depending on the programming used to create them. Some people even go so far as to create their own bots, though the results are sometimes devastating.

(Author note: You can use a SimBot or use a sim wearing the CC Servo "clothes" released a bit before Ambitions to create your robots)

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